Health & Human Services
2024 Strategic Initiatives
2023 Strategic Initiatives
- Receive DBHDD funding approval and launch the construction of the Behavioral Health Crisis Center, and source clinical and administrative staff
- Start construction of the North Health and Human Services Center and initiate the feasibly plans for a new South facility
- Complete the initial study and research of needs related to identify the gaps in public health resources
- Explore innovative service delivery models for affordable housing; and implement a Tiny Homes project
- Continue development of Integrated Prevention and Care Plan to address HIV Elimination
- Improve and enhance Veteran Services though the Community Development Department
2022 Strategic Initiatives
- Develop a plan and implementation schedule for the Behavioral Health Crisis Center
- Continue to provide testing and vaccination access for the residents of Fulton County and surveillance of emerging infectious disease outbreaks
- Expand and improve overall health and human services in the North and South through new facility infrastructure
- Continue to implement the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and other Housing and Urban Development (HUD) programming to enhance the quality of life for the community and its citizens
- Explore innovative service delivery models for affordable housing and other social services
- Continue development of Integrated Prevention and Care Plan to address HIV Elimination
- Complete upgrades and modernization of Multipurpose and Neighborhood Senior Centers
- Complete final distribution of $96M emergency rental assistance funding
2021 Strategic Initiatives
- Implement enhanced Behavioral Health Services to focus on justice reform and homelessness
- Continue planning and renovation of a new, consolidated health services center in North Futon
- Complete assessment for additional senior Multipurpose Center locations
- Target 80% vaccination rate for the residents of Fulton County
- Provide enhanced community service programs to the residents due to COVID-19
- Develop a plan and implementation schedule for Crisis Intervention Center
- Provide rental, mortgage assistance and food security services using the American Rescue Plan funding
2019 Strategic Initiatives
- Continue efforts to implement the Public Health in all Policies and Programs initiative
- Expand of Behavioral Health services to youth and adults by leveraging state partnerships and resources
- Continue support of the Grady/MAT Center for an additional treatment capacity for opioid addiction treatment
- Expand HIV Test and Treat program to address the growth and spread of the disease
2018 Strategic Initiatives
- Develop a strategic framework with Grady and Board of Health to target specific population health outcomes and optimize resources.
- Continue to implement HIV Task Force recommendations.
- Invest $10M in the new Behavioral Health service delivery model, reaching 3,000 patients and demonstrating a more effective module working with State DBHDD partners.
- Continue with the $590M capital investment program in Water Resource investment program.
- Develop a Strategic Plan for sustainability that promotes the county as a leader in environmentally friendly development and practices.